Book REVIEW: Changeless by Gail Carriger


changelessTitle:  Changeless
Series:  The Parasol Protectorate #2
Author:  Gail Carriger
Publisher: Orbit
Published:  April 2010
Language:  English
Format:  eBook
Pages:  336
ISBN: 9780316088039



Genre: Fantasy, Steampunk, Romance, Adult.
Average Goodreads rating: 4.00

Alexia Maccon, the Lady Woolsey, awakens in the wee hours of the mid-afternoon to find her husband, who should be decently asleep like any normal werewolf, yelling at the top of his lungs. Then he disappears; leaving her to deal with a regiment of supernatural soldiers encamped on her doorstep, a plethora of exorcised ghosts, and an angry Queen Victoria.

But Alexia is armed with her trusty parasol, the latest fashions, and an arsenal of biting civility. So even when her investigations take her to Scotland, the backwater of ugly waistcoats, she is prepared: upending werewolf pack dynamics as only the soulless can. She might even find time to track down her wayward husband, if she feels like it.

CHANGLESS is the second book of the Parasol Protectorate series: a comedy of manners set in Victorian London, full of werewolves, vampires, dirigibles, and tea-drinking.



My Rating and General Opinion


I’ve heard this series gets better and better, and I cannot say anything to the contrary, because was a sequel!!

The Writing

As captivating as the first one, this lyrical writing style really helps to picture the story. It drags you into it and keeps you there.

The Story

The best part of this book is definitely the storyline, I enjoyed it too much, and was surprised and ansious to know more!! the story started quickly, and the pace continued to be fun and thrilling!!

And what about that ending?? I wanna pick the next one right now!! I was pretty confident of her situation, from the beginning, but didn’t expect that retaliation!!

Did I forget to mention it mostly takes pplace in Scotland?? YAY!!

The Characters

We meet again the lovely characters with nothing but wit and great writing…
I am so glad we got to know more of The Earl’s past and family and also get to really know some interesting characters (I am looking at you Genevieve!) although we also had to suffer from some known ones… Felicity, I so wanted to punch you!! And Ivy?? you too, more than I thought!! But we did get some new and interesting blood!


I’ll definitely recommend you to check it out!!

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